For sophomore-level courses in Differential Equations and Linear Algebra. Extensively rewritten throughout, the Second Edition of this flexible text features a seamless integration of linear algebra into the discipline of differential equations. Abundant computer graphics, IDE interactive illustration software, and well-thought-out problem sets make it an excellent choice for either the combination DE/LA course or pure differential equations courses. The authors' consistent, reader-friendly presentation encourages students to think both quantitatively and qualitatively when approaching differential equations -- and reinforces concepts using similar methods to solve various systems (algebraic, differential, and iterative).
Known for its real-world applications and its blend of algebraic and geometric approaches, this book discusses mathematical modeling of real-world phenomena, with a fresh new computational and qualitative flavor evident throughout in ...
For courses in Advanced Linear Algebra. This top-selling, theorem-proof text presents a careful treatment of the principle topics of linear algebra, and illustrates the power of the subject through a variety of applications.
For combined differential equations and linear algebra courses teaching students who have successfully completed three semesters of calculus.
This Third Edition retains the features that have made it successful over the years, while addressing recent developments of how linear algebra is taught and learned. Key concepts are presented early on, with an emphasis on geometry.
Linear Algebra
Lineær algebra: en fremstilling av den elementære teorien beregnet på anvendelsene
Lineær algebra: Med en innføring i lineær programmering
Geometry Seminar "Luigi Bianchi" II, 1984: Lectures Given at the Scuola Normale Superiore
[39] J. DEMMEL, S. EISENSTAT, J. GILBERT, X. LI, AND J. W. H. LIU, A supernodal approach to sparse partial pivoting, Technical Report UCB//CSD-95-883, UC Berkeley Computer Science Division, September 1995. to appear in SIAM J. Mat.