All of the line art from the text and transparency set are reproduced in this full color notebook, with space for notes. Students can now fully focus on the lecture and not be distracted by attempting to replicate figures. Each page is three-hole punched for easy integration with other course materials.
Stephen Marshak's bestselling text and media make geology easy for students to understand.
A substantial revision of an already successful text, the Third Edition of Essentials of Geology combines an accurate and engaging narrative with exceptional visual and pedagogical elements.
A hands-on, visual learning experience for physical geology
With a fully integrated mobile media program that includes new Mobile Field Trip and Project Condor quadcopter videos as well as new animations and videos, this edition provides a unique, interactive, and engaging learning experience for ...
This is a preassembled package of Essentials of Geology (978-0-393-66752-3) and Laboratory Manual for Introductory Geology (978-0-393-61752-8).
A condensed version of Geology, 3e, this textbook provides succinct, focused explanations of key points-ideal for those who require a basic introduction to the field. As in the past, the...
This updated volume can now continue to be used as a textbook and reference book for all who are interested in this important topic and its impacts the health and wellbeing of many millions of people all over the world. ยท Addresses key ...
(In other words, for the dike to cut through the granite, the granite already had to be there.) If a fault offsets a sandstone, the fault is younger than the sandstone. If an. Principle of Cross-Cutting Relationships.
Essentials of Geology (Sixth Edition)
Dynamic labs emphasize real-world applications