State and Local Government in America
Government in America: People, Politics, and Policy
American Government 101 cuts out the boring explanations, and instead provides a hands-on lesson that keeps you engaged as you learn.
Study Guide, the Challenge of Democracy: Government in America
The book provides an important opportunity for students to learn the core concepts of American Government and understand how those concepts apply to their lives and the world around them.
This remarkable book shatters just about every myth surrounding American government, the Constitution, and the Founding Fathers, and offers the clearest warning about the alarming rise of one-man rule in the age of Obama.
Government in America: With California Government and Politics Supplement
A GOVERNMENT OF WOLVES paints a chilling portrait of a nation in the final stages of transformation into outright authoritarianism, whose citizens have become little more than a nation of suspects to be cowed, corralled, and controlled.
Wolfson Archives. After Miami-Dade mayor Chuck Hall sent the first wrecking ball to destroy an African American neighborhood, buildings were demolished to make way for I-95, as children look on. Top photo: Wolfson Archives.
This version of Government in America, 2012 Election Edition includes all thirteen chapters from Gibson/Robison's Government and Politics in the Lone Star State, 8/e at a lower price point than the two books packaged together.