Features Sharpen Your Reading Skills provides explicit instruction as well as extensive practice and recycling. Be an Active Reader features high-interest readings that allow students to apply their...
Features Sharpen Your Reading Skills provides explicit instruction as well as extensive practice and recycling.
Don't ask your students to read music until they are "ready to read music." This 100% reproducible book is packed with four sequential units of eight lessons each, all designed to prepare your students to read music.
She is passionate about early reading, and is pleased that this book is helping parents and teachers introduce another generation of children to the joys of reading well.
Five-year-old Scott Jelwyn's mother “wrote up” his excited account of a butterfly's emergence from a cocoon. Scott listened with satisfaction to his story, illustrated it plentifully, and later asked his mother to read it over several ...
Get Ready to Read: A Skills-Based Reader, by Karen Blanchard and Christine Root, is a part of a three-level series designed to develop reading and vocabulary building skills.
Evaluate Your Ideas, Share Your Thoughts, and Explore the Web extend and enrich the reading experience. Go Beyond the Text helps students apply the readings to real-life experiences.
Evaluate Your Ideas, Share Your Thoughts, and Explore the Web extend and enrich the reading experience. Go Beyond the Text helps students apply the readings to real-life experiences.
Does the thought of tackling the GED Reasoning Through Language Arts test give you a sinking feeling? Banish those jitters with this friendly guide!
... About Volcanoes by Joanna Cole. Center 3—~Word Study AdVentures. Four children at Center 3 are studying real and nonreal words as they practice writing and spelling them on Whiteboards. Dictionaries are available if the children ...