This book provides a broad overview of areas of the law relevant to the practice of architecture, engineering, and geoscience in Canada. Geared to those not studying law, the legal concepts and language are simplified and presented in practical, rather than theoretical, terms with the goal of providing professionals and students sufficient background to identify legal issues. This text is an excellent reference for professionals and an excellent study aid for the Professional Practice Exam. The most up-to-date Canadian engineering law text on the market End-of-chapter problems with answers to selected problems Case studies in selected chapters Glossary of terms with key terms bolded within text Written in clear, logical language Tables and figures help to illustrate topics Extensive coverage of current topics such as risk, insurance, privacy law, and internet law
" This edition has expanded its Employment, Management, and Consulting sections with new and relevant Canadian cases to keep readers engaged and connected to the content.
The book is intended for practicing professionals, recent graduates, and senior undergraduates and is an excellent study guide for the practice and ethics part of the Professional Practice Examination (PPE) required for licensing in every ...
AutoCAD 2015 for Interior Design and Space Planning helps students understand the commands and features of AutoCAD 2015 and demonstrates how to use the program to complete interior design and...
Adams , 181 F.3d 1285 ( 11th Cir . 1999 ) , the plaintiffs brought suit against Adams for violation of the CWA by discharge of allegedly polluted storm water containing mud , silt , sand , and other materials into a stream and thence ...
The text contains the content necessary to ensure that engineers are prepared for their professional examinations and offers online practice tests to reinforce learning.
This book is a relatively short but comprehensive guide to professional ethics and law that is primarily intended as study material for all those who need to take the National Professional Practice Examination (NPPE).
Law for Professional Engineers
The book provides practical advice that will help engineers navigate the complexities of international projects, whether they are based in Canada, in the U.S., or anywhere else in the world.•Cuts out the legalese and explains concepts ...
EPA American Mining Congress v. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers American Municipal Power of Ohio v EPA American Paper Institute v. EPA American Petroleum Institute v Costle American Trucking Associations, Inc. v Whitman (EPA Administrator) ...
Kan, T. K. and Swan, H. W., 2001, Geopressure prediction from automatically derived seismic velocities, Geophysics, ... M., 2014, Principles of Electromagnetic Methods in Surface Geophysics, Methods in Geochemistry and Geophysics 45, ...