This brand new, four color, complete with interactive CD, Medical Assisting text is all about Connections: Medical Assistant's connections with patients, physicians, offices and jobs. A student's connection with the book, their instructor and their newly chosen profession is a recipe for success. This text is available as one comprehensive textbook or can be purchased in a three volume set. Volume 1- Administrative, Volume 2- Anatomy and Physiology and Volume 3- Clinical may also be sold separately. Pearson's Comprehensive Medical Assisting, 1e, is the first book to help students succeed in both the classroom and in their careers. It helps students take information from what you need to do to how to do it. Strong integration of tips, hints and guidelines help students avoid common performance mishaps while peforming clinical skills and the softer skills (e.g. timeliness, presentation, interpersonal relations).
"Pearson s Comprehensive Medical Assisting 2e is a comprehensive textbook including Administrative, Clinical and Anatomy and Physiology, which helps students learn the right skills for becoming the best and most effective Medical Assistant ...
This is a student supplement associated with: Pearson's Comprehensive Medical Assisting, 2/e Nina Beaman MS, RNC, CMA, Bryant and Stratton College Lorraine Fleming-McPhillips MS, MT, CMA, Quinebaug Valley Community College, retired ...
A student's connection with the book, their instructor and their newly chosen profession is a recipe for success. This text is available as one comprehensive textbook or can be purchased in a three volume set.
Conversational and humorous, the text uses real-world analogies to enable true understanding - rather than memorization - and to create lasting connections.
Our technology solutions allow you to gain more practice and review. Log onto or load the CD-ROM that accompanies this book to find additional questions, rationales, and links to related resources.
Color Anatomy and Physiology Illu
Pearson Prentice HallTM is a trademark of Pearson Education , Inc. PearsonĀ® is a registered trademark of Pearson plc . ... Library of Congress Cataloging - in - Publication Data Pearson's administrative medical assisting . p .; cm .
Adaptive learning with MyMedicalTerminologyLab MyMedicalTerminologyLab is an online homework, tutorial, and assessment program designed to work with this text to engage students and improve results.
Pearson Prentice HallTM is a trademark of Pearson Education , Inc. PearsonĀ® is a registered trademark of Pearson plc . ... Library of Congress Cataloging - in - Publication Data Pearson's administrative medical assisting . p . ; cm .
The fifth edition ofMedical Terminology with Human Anatomycontinues its tradition of excellence with a new and refreshed approach to covering all aspects of medical terminology. This revised edition embraces the...