This third edition of Human Molecular Genetics continues to provide a clear introduction to this complex and fast moving field. Now updated and revised throughout, the material covered has been carefully selected and structured to provide a concise overview for students studying the subject as part of a general biology, genetics or medical degree.
The text is aimed at courses in Human Genetics, Human Molecular Genetics and The Molecular Basis of Disease taught within Biology, Biochemistry, Biomolecular Sciences, Biomedical Sciences, Genetics and medical and other health-care degrees.
DISCUSSION The LPS that is normally present on the surface of S. typhimurium apparently acts as a partial barrier to the ... of the earlier work on this project , and to J. R. Roth and P. E. Hartman for helpful discussions and strains .
Perivascular fibrous capsules ( Glisson's capsule ) , each containing a branch ( or branches ) of the portal vein , hepatic artery , bile ductules , and lymph vessels cut across throughout the section ( cf. Fig . 2-62 ) . 2.
MUSEUMS The following is a list of museums with film programs , compiled from the Official Museum Directory ( Washington , D.C .: American Association of Museums , 1975 ) . Check the " Weekend ” section on Friday in The Washington Post ...
Principles of Medical Genetics
Norman anatomy series, no. 1-3; Norman landmarks series, no. 1-2, 4; v. 1 issued as no. 4 in Norman orthopedic series.
基因改造,可以剔走色盲、不育、腫瘤和肌肉萎縮等疾病,是重要發明! 基因改造成功了,可以產生健康又長壽的特種新人類, ...
另一個更敏銳的方法是使用靜電偵測器(electrostatic detection apparatus,簡稱esdA)1,這種儀器於一九七八年由美國福斯特-弗里曼(Foster & Freeman)公司所研發。靜電偵測器偶爾可以讓原始頁面以下數頁的筆跡壓痕一併顯現,有趣的是大家都不知道靜電偵測器是 ...
Explains the science behind modern treatments. Examines the impact on society and discusses the moral issues at stake.
为了解决这个问题,张进团队在“鸡蛋”还没有受精前进行细胞核移植,这种做法从技术上看是领先的,同时从伦理道德上也相对容易被接受。具体操作过程为,医生先移除Shaban的卵子原核,再植入同被去除卵子原核的捐赠者卵子内,然后授精。张进团队以这种方法, ...