A thorough, accessible examination of the National Board standards and certification process, this guide is invaluable to all educators pursuing Board certification and those supporting such candidates. With this resource as a guide, educators will deepen their understanding of the National Board standards, become fully prepared to be successful National Board candidates, and enhance their growth as educational professionals. Here readers get a thorough and accessible examination of the standards and the certification process, with extensive references to relevant research. Whether candidates are working on their own or in a candidate support group, they can turn to this guide for complete coverage of all aspects of National Board certification for First Time candidates, Take One! Candidates, Retake (or Advanced) candidates, and National Board Certified Teachers (NBCTs) working on Renewal. The Preface includes suggested pathways for each type of candidate useful information to guide readers to the most relevant sections of the book specific suggestions for setting up and participating productively in candidate support groups, plus several figures and templates for organizing planning and reflection as candidates work on portfolio entries.
Arranged around the five core propositions of the NBPTS, this invaluable guidebook includes Worksheets, scenarios, writing tips, and time management strategies Advice on videotaping and preparing portfolio artifacts Stories and experiences ...
Have you ever wondered what it takes to be a National Board Certified Teacher? Are you already seeking certification? Here is a practical handbook that will answer many of your...
Exceptional Needs Standards (for Teachers of Students Ages Birth-21+)
Collaborator: Use serving on committees, grade-level teams or school improvement panels, or working with families if this is connected to student learning. Partner with Families and the Community: Show your two-way communication with ...
This practical book presents a comprehensive blueprint for preparing teachers to achieve National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS) certification.
Early Adolescence/science Standards: (for Teachers of Students Ages 11-15)
All the Scoring Rubrics are built upon those elements. This book gives many writing strategies, tips, and examples to lead candidates toward the goal of submitting work that meets the National Board Standards for accomplishment.
Presents a series of propositions set forth by the National Board for Professional Teaching, including issues of commitment to teaching, knowledge of subjects taught, and responsibility for monitoring students' learning.
Our comprehensive Secrets of the National Board Certification Generalist: Middle Childhood Exam study guide is written by our exam experts, who painstakingly researched every topic and concept that you need to know to ace your test.
This new 3.0 version of the WHAT WORKS Series, Strategies for Pursuing National Board Certification: Version 3.0, Components 1 and 2 reflects the revisions published to date.