Discovering Canada and Quebec: 133 Questions Answered Clearly and Accurately
... in additionto theNativeTitle Act1993and establishment of the IndigenousLand Fund and the Indigenous Land Corporation, were concerned with achieving social justice for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, namely: • a federal ...
Passionate Vision: Discovering Canada's National Parks
Discovering Canada, Book 1 and 2. Teacher's Guide
In this, her first book, now available in paperback, Simard brings us into her world, the intimate world of the trees, in which she brilliantly illuminates the fascinating and vital truths--that trees are not simply the source of timber or ...
There'll never be enough water in that pipe to get through that! We'll just feed it through the pipe under the road and out the other side right into the new garage!” “Bingo!” shouted Kevin, and he ran and got the long, heavy coil of ...
This resource includes specific activities for all the units in the accompanying text.
Landeskunde Klasse 8: New York, USA: Englische Lektüre Für Das 2. und 3. Lernjahr. Buch
Loaded with hard service information for each location, Destinations of a Lifetime has it all: when to go, where to eat, where to stay, and what to do to ensure the most enriching and authentic experience.
More than 130 plants (including trees, roots, wildflowers, herbs, seaweed, and mushrooms) from Alaska, Yukon Territory, through western Canada, to Washington, Oregon and northern California are profiled. Information provided includes...