STUDY GUIDEA comprehensive study guide reinforces the microeconomics textbook and provides studentswith additional applications and exercises.Each chapter contains the following elements: Point-by-Point Chapter Objectives A list of learning goals for the chapter. Each objectiveis followed up with a summary of the material, learning tips for each concept, andpractice questions with solutions. Practice Tests Consists of approximately 20 multiple-choice questions and answers. Application Questions A series of questions that require students to use graphic ornumerical analysis to solve economic problems. Solutions Worked-out solutions to all questions in the Study Guide. Comprehensive Part Exams Exams to test the students' overall comprehension, consistingof multiple-choice and application questions. Solutions to all questions are alsoprovided.
Test Item File: For Principles of Microeconomics, Eighth Edition, by Karl E. Case, Ray C. Fair
Study guide to accompany the text for the one semester principles of macroeconomics course. Reviewers tell us that Case/Fair is one of the all-time bestselling POE texts because they trust it to be clear, thorough and complete.
Study guide to accompany the text for the one semester principles of microeconomics course. Reviewers tell us that Case/Fair is one of the all-time bestselling POE texts because they trust it to be clear, thorough and complete.
5 4 3 2 1 0 4 8 12 16 20 Steel b . Production Alternative A - B B - C C - D D - E E - F Opportunity Cost of 1 Unit of : Corn Steel 4 steel 1/4 corn 4 steel 1/4 corn 4 steel 1/4 corn 4 steel 1/4 corn 4 steel 1/4 corn C. d .
Principles of Microeconomics: Study Guide
This text features the chapters on macroeconomics that are featured in the text Principles of Economics, 4th edition (ISBN: 0-13-440488-2).
Principles of Microeconomics and Study Guide and Surfing for Success in Economics 97 Package
The full text downloaded to your computer With eBooks you can: search for key concepts, words and phrases make highlights and notes as you study share your notes with friends eBooks are downloaded to your computer and accessible either ...
Principles of Microeconomics and Study Guide and Surfing for Success Econ. 98-99 Package
Solutions to all questions are also provided. The Study Guide also points to further useful practice for students using the technology resources available on the Companion Website PLUS.