About the authors -- Introducing master data management -- MDM as an SOA enabler -- MDM reference architecture -- MDM security and privacy -- MDM architecture patterns -- PIM-MDM solution blueprints -- CdI-MDM solution blueprints -- MDM integration blueprints -- Master data management and data governance -- MDM user roles -- Software and solution offerings for MDM deployments -- Compliance -- Standards
This book explains every part of your computer and shows how each part works together, it teaches simple troubleshooting and repair techniques and is packed with real-world examples and case studies.
Campus Network Design Fundamentals
POLL99 Pollack, F. “New Microarchitecture Challenges in the Coming Generations of CMOS Process Technologies (keynote address). ... PRZY88 Przybylski, S.; Horowitz, M.; and Hennessy, J. “Performance Trade-offs in Cache Design.
Power Consumption Model for DSP Systems [microform]
A Programmer's View of Computer Architecture: With Assembly Language Examples from the MIPS RISC Architecture, Final Version
Distributed Applications and Online Dialogues: A Design Method for Application Systems
If you are new to arc42, this book is a great learning resource. For those of you who want to write better technical documentation will benefit from the general concepts covered in this book.
Architektonikē hypologistōn: posotikē prosengisē
計算機組織與設計: 硬體/軟體的介面
CONTENIDO: Abstraciones y tecnología de computadores - Aritmética para computadores - Las bases del diseño lógico - El procesador : camino de datos y control - Ensambladores, montadores de enlace y el simulador SPIM - Grande y rápido : ...