This book/disk package contains useful quantitative methods in management science and operations management. Through its interactive interface, students can access different decision models to solve a variety of problems.
Dieses Lehrbuch, entstanden aus einer Anfängervorlesung aus dem Informatik-Studiengang an der Leibniz Universität Hannover, bietet einen ersten Einstieg in den Bereich der Komplexitätstheorie.
本书介绍的内容包括:计算机的各项指令存储在什么地方;什么是算法;我们的日常生活中有哪些事情可以利用算法来解决;如果计算机程序里有漏洞,会出现什么怪事 ...
Mathematical Methods and Algorithms for Signal Processing
This new text introduces basic concepts, definitions, theorems, and examples from graph theory.
"Builds on knowledge from a first course in computer programming using Python. Makes a transition from programming in Python to a data structures course and programming in C++"--Provided by publisher.
Applying Conformal Mapping to the Vertex Correspondence Problem for 3D Face Models
Thes book has three key features : fundamental data structures and algorithms; algorithm analysis in terms of Big-O running time in introducied early and applied throught; pytohn is used to facilitates the success in using and mastering ...
[5] P. Hansen, N. Mladenovic, and D. Perez-Britos. Variable neighborhood decomposition search. Journal of Heuristics, 7(4):1381–1231, 2001. [6] N. Mladenovic. A variable neighborhood algorithm - a new metaheuristic for combinatorial ...
Rake Receiver Performance in Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum Systems Operating at High Data Rates [microform]
Introduction to Computer Science: An Algorithmic Approach