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The Rethinking Marketing project drew ( and draws ) inspiration from this deft piece of critical observation which we argue directly applies to marketing management too . Hopper et al . ( 1987 ) not only reveal the potential of critical ...
This book is about why they like certain businesses and not others. It’s about people as consumers. I can almost guarantee that after reading this book you’ll never see the world the same way again.
Rethinking Marketing: Sustainable Market-ing Enterprise in Asia
We've combed through hundreds of articles in the Harvard Business Review archive and selected the most important ones to help you reinvent your marketing by putting it-and your customers-at the center of your business.
But now there is! LOVED is a hands-on guide to help marketers excel at the fundamentals of product marketing. Martina brings a wealth of real-world experience to this book, as a marketing executive herself. Put simply, I loved LOVED.
Want to know how Jerome Hiquet, CMO at Tough Mudder, is plotting the brand's future growth? This book's got you covered! If your business has hit a plateau, rethink your brand's marketing to unleash growth.
For undergraduate and graduate courses in marketing and entrepreneurship. This book rethinks the basic building blocks of marketing with an entrepreneurial perspective.
Rethinking Marketing: The Entrepreneurial Imperative, Retail Edition
Rethinking Marketing Programs for Emerging Markets
Rethinking Marketing: Sustainable Market-ing Enterprise in Asia