Providing enough background to be rigorous, "without" being exhaustive, it gives readers good preparation in the techniques of modern petrology; a clear and organized review of the classification, textures, and approach to petrologic study; and then applies these concepts to the real occurrences of the rocks themselves. Requires only a working knowledge of algebra, and makes extensive use of spreadsheets. Includes an accompanying diskette of programs and data files. This book offers unique, comprehensive, up-to-date coverage of both igneous "and" metamorphic petrology "in a single volume" and provides the quantitative and technical background required to critically evaluate igneous and metamorphic phenomena. For anyone interested in petrology.
The Interpretation of Igneous Rocks
This book is intended for use by advanced students, research workers, and teachers in the field of petrology.
Petrología ígnea y metamórfica
McGetchin , T.R. and Silver , L.T. ( 1970 ) : Compositional relations in kimberlite and related rocks in the Moses rocks dyke ... P.A. ( 1964 ) : Ar measurements on the granites and some associated rocks from South West England . Geol .
Circum-Pacific Plutonic Terranes
Early Permian Tarim Large Igneous Province in Northwest China
This unique text offers comprehensive, up-to-date coverage of both igneous and metamorphic petrology in a single volume--and provides the quantitative and technical background required to critically evaluate igneous and metamorphic ...
This unique text offers comprehensive, up-to-date coverage of both igneous and metamorphic petrology in a single volume and provides the quantitative and technical background required to critically evaluate igneous and metamorphic phenomena ...
Principles of Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology
GEOLOGICAL. SETTING. AND. TERMINOLOGY. The Blake River Group is one of the most prospective Archean assemblages for VMS exploration, especially for gold-rich VMS (e.g. Dubé et al., 2007; Gibson and Galley, 2007; Mercier-Langevin et al., ...