The authors focus on concepts before computations. With its clear, friendly writing style, and strong integration of the sciences, this book connects well with all students.
The authors focus on concepts before computations. With its clear, friendly writing style, and strong integration of the sciences, this book connects well with all students.
The book's consistent, high-quality coverage stimulates active learning with critical thinking exercises, hands-on experiments, review questions, and quantitative problems.
The book's consistent, high-quality coverage includes five new chapters on chemistry, astronomy, and earth science for an even more balanced approach to physical science.
This guide provides simple, pre-class activities and experiments to complement instructors' courses. Instructions and answers to most of the laboratory questions are provided in the Instructor Manual.
Conceptual Physics: The High School Physics Program
The Twelfth Edition will delight students with informative and fun Hewitt-Drew-It screencasts, udated content, applications in the text, and new learning activities in MasteringPhysics.
The dynamic new media program includes hundreds of animations and interactive tutorials developed specifically for students taking physical science courses. Media references throughout the book point readers to additional online help.
Touch This! Conceptual Physics For Everyone
Included in the package is the workbook. Mechanics, Properties of Matter, Heat, Sound, Electricity and Magnetism, Light, Atomic and Nuclear Physics, Relativity. For all readers interested in conceptual physics.