Unlike some pocket guides, which are miniature versions of textbooks a few hundred pages long, this pocket guide, EKG IN A HEARTBEAT, 2/e, has the tools readers need to help them read rhythm strips and 12-lead EKGs. Fast, accurate, and to the point in under 100 pages. EKG IN A HEARTBEAT, 2/e, is not intended as an elementary text on electrocardiography. It's a "how to do it" guide. It presumes at least a basic knowledge of EKG principles. If a comprehensive EKG textbook is required, consider Ellis: EKG Plain and Simple (ISBN: 0132377292).
Resource added for the Nursing-Associate Degree 105431, Practical Nursing 315431, and Nursing Assistant 305431 programs.
Suggested Readings Grzybowski M , Clements EA , Parsons L , et al . Mortality benefit of immediate revascularization of acute ST - segment elevation myocardial infarction in patients with contraindications to thrombolytic therapy : a ...
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This book is ideal for junior doctors, nurses, paramedics, students and health care professionals involved in the recording and interpreting of 12 lead ECGs.
A History of Electrocardiography
Electrocardiograms: A Systematic Method of Reading Them
Electrocardiography for Healthcare Professionals
Marriott's practical electrocardiography: Türkçe
The book also addresses sinus and atrial dysrhythmias, atrial-ventricular blocks, and ventricular dysrhythmias. Each section of the text includes quizzes that students can use to check their comprehension and progress.
The E. C. G. Made Easy