Edwards, George C. III; Wattenberg, Martin P.; Lineberry, Robert L., Government in America Brief, Study Edition, with L.P. com access card, 6th Edition*\ This Study Edition of Edwards' popular brief text is certain to improve readers ...
American Government 3e
Liberty and Terrorism Robert H. Bork When a nation faces deadly attacks on its citizens at home and abroad , it is only reasonable to expect that its leaders will take appropriate measures to increase security .
This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book.
An American government textbook which stresses the public policy approach to government.
State and Local Government in America
Government in America
Study Guide, the Challenge of Democracy: Government in America
With Good Enough for Government Work, Lerman uses surveys, experiments, and public opinion data to argue persuasively that the reputation of government is itself an impediment to government’s ability to achieve the common good.
The Challenge of Democracy: Government in America