"After reviewing the field's history and context, the authors introduce and explain each key epigenetic mechanism. Next, they extensively discuss the roles these mechanisms may play in inheritance, development, health and disease, behavior, evolution, ecology, and the interactions of individual organisms with their environments"--Page 4 of cover.
Cells: Building Blocks of Life
Published simultaneously in the United States and Canada by Julian Messner , a division of Simon & Schuster , Inc. , 1 West 39 Street , New York , N.Y. 10018. All rights reserved . Copyright © 1970 by Center for Media Development ...
Comme le découvrirent en 1961 Léonard Hayflick et Paul Moorhead de l'institut Wistar de Philadelphie, après environ 50 à 80 dédoublements de la population, les cellules cessent de se diviser et entrent dans un stade appelé « sénescence ...
Biology I Molecular and Cells Lecture Guide and Lab Manual, BIO 110, 5E
Biology I Molecular and Cells Lecture Guide and Lab Manual, BIO 110, 4E
R. T. Dean Philip Stahl. it is thought that the receptor recycles , the possibility that the ligand might also recycle was first investigated recently . Daukas , Lauffenburger and Zigmond23 , using the N - formyl chemotactic peptide ...
The 60 images reproduced here appeared over a five-year period as covers for Molecular Biology of the Cell. These images celebrate the long and illustrious history of cell biology and emphasize the scholarly intent of the journal.
Cells and Heredity
Biology: A Journey Into Life
Hooke chose the name " cell " to describe the chambers he observed when peering at slices of cork through his microscope . This remarkable process may perhaps be repeatable . It can be repeated in a nonliving world where compounds are ...