This extensively-updated text is designed to promote excellence in pediatric nursing care, in both acute care settings and in the community. CHILD HEALTH NURSING, 3/e focuses on helping students synthesize new knowledge, apply evidence-based findings, collaborate with children, families, and other healthcare professionals, and use clinical reasoning to plan superior care. It views families as integral participants in all care, and recognizes that all children need health promotion and maintenance interventions, wherever they seek care or whatever conditions they are experiencing. This edition uses current NANDA International diagnoses, Nursing Intervention Classifications (NIC), Nursing Outcomes Classifications (NOC), and Healthy People 2020 recommendations. Sample nursing care plans help students apply developmental, psychosocial, and physiologic concepts to the care of children with specific conditions. Research, clinical reasoning, and evidence-based practice are emphasized and integrated throughout, and coverage of contemporary topics ranges from genomics to new pharmacological treatment options.
To support safe, effective, and innovative care, this edition draws on the latest recommendations of NANDA International diagnoses, Nursing Intervention Classifications (NIC), Nursing Outcomes Classifications (NOC), andHealthy People 2020.
Designed to be used by the student together with the sixth edition of Maternal and child health nursing by Adele Pillitteri.
Part of the best-selling Pearson Reviews & Rationales series, this volume addresses all aspects of the exam covering maternal-newborn nursing.
This Study Guide to accompany the Seventh Edition of Maternal & Child Health Nursing, by Adele Pillitteri, is designed to help students practice and retain the knowledge from the textbook, and it is structured to integrate that knowledge ...
Part of the best-selling Pearson Reviews & Rationales series, this volume addresses all aspects of the exam covering child health nursing.
Greco, K. E., Tinley, S., & Seibert, D. (2011). Essential genetic and genomic competencies for nurses with graduate degrees. Consensus Panel, Silver Springs, MD: American Nurses Association. Johnson, N. L., Giarelli, E., Lewis, C., ...
The book is divided into three main parts covering 87 medical and surgical conditions, 12 topics related to diagnosis and procedures, and 16 helpful appendices.
Textbook of Child Health Nursing
Research has shown a correlation between DP and developmental delays, particularly in motor skills (Laughlin, Luerssen, & Dias, 2011). However, it is not known whether there is a direct causal relationship between DP and the delay, ...
This proven, approachable text employs a nursing process framework and combines clear, accessible content with a wide range of engaging learning aids to help students master essential concepts and build the skills for success in today's ...