The award-winning and highly influential Software Architecture in Practice, Third Edition, has been substantially revised to reflect the latest developments in the field. In a real-world setting, the book once again introduces the concepts and best practices of software architecture—how a software system is structured and how that system’s elements are meant to interact. Distinct from the details of implementation, algorithm, and data representation, an architecture holds the key to achieving system quality, is a reusable asset that can be applied to subsequent systems, and is crucial to a software organization’s business strategy. The authors have structured this edition around the concept of architecture influence cycles. Each cycle shows how architecture influences, and is influenced by, a particular context in which architecture plays a critical role. Contexts include technical environment, the life cycle of a project, an organization’s business profile, and the architect’s professional practices. The authors also have greatly expanded their treatment of quality attributes, which remain central to their architecture philosophy—with an entire chapter devoted to each attribute—and broadened their treatment of architectural patterns. If you design, develop, or manage large software systems (or plan to do so), you will find this book to be a valuable resource for getting up to speed on the state of the art. Totally new material covers Contexts of software architecture: technical, project, business, and professional Architecture competence: what this means both for individuals and organizations The origins of business goals and how this affects architecture Architecturally significant requirements, and how to determine them Architecture in the life cycle, including generate-and-test as a design philosophy; architecture conformance during implementation; architecture and testing; and architecture and agile development Architecture and current technologies, such as the cloud, social networks, and end-user devices
[ Morris 93 ] Morris , C. , Fergubor , C. “ How Architecture Wins Technology Wars , " Harvard Business Review , 71 ( March - April ) : 86-96 , 1993 . [ Müller 93 ] Müller , H. , Mehmet , O. , Tilley , S. , Uhl , J. " A Reverse ...
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Figure 16-14 Kroll/Krutchen, RATIONAL UNIFIED PROCESS MADE EASY: PRACT, (figure 1.2) © Pearson Education, Inc. Reproduced by permission of Pearson Education, Inc. Contents 1 The Big Idea 1 1.1 The Power of CREDITS v.
In Continuous Architecture in Practice, three leading software architecture experts update the classic practices of the discipline for contemporary environments, software development contexts, and applications.
This book introduces a practical methodology for architecture design that any professional software engineer can use, provides structured methods supported by reusable chunks of design knowledge, and includes rich case studies that ...
A73D63 2010 005.1'5—dc22 2010024318 Copyright © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America. This publication is protected by copyright, and permission must be obtained from the publisher ...
This is a practical guide for software developers, and different than other software architecture books.
This second edition contains new material covering enterprise architecture, agile development, enterprise service bus technologies, RESTful Web services, and a case study on how to use the MeDICi integration framework.
F. fallacies of distributed computing, 124-131 bandwidth is infinite, 126 latency is zero, 125 the network is reliable, 124 the network ... 128 there is only one administrator, 129 transport cost is zero, 130 fast-lane reader pattern, ...
Software development organizations are now discovering the efficiencies that can be achieved by architecting entire software product families together. In Software Architecture for Product Families, experts from one of the...