English in Middle and Secondary Classrooms: Creative and Critical Advice from Canada's Teacher Educators presents a variety of teaching strategies and resources to help educators create relevant and rewarding English classes. It covers numerous short essays on a wide variety of topics written by contributors from across Canada and from a variety of teaching backgrounds. The authors offer practical pedagogical suggestions, theoretical frames, anecdotal experiences, and background resources to plan and deliver engaging English lessons. Reflecting the current areas of concern in ELA education, each reading highlights the many possibilities for enhancing creativity and critical engagement in classroom activities, adjusting to rapid changes in technology, how to best incorporate diverse student needs, and assessing with standardized testing.
This methods book advocates a process approach to English instruction which is interactive and developmental one that is learner-centered, rather than teacher-centered.
This book prepares mainstream teachers to provide content instruction to English language learners.
Here's what makes this new fifth edition unique: Internet sources at the end of each chapter make the material relevant and give students additional resources for reflection.
Teaching English in Middle and Secondary Schools
... University at Albany Arthur N. Applebee Judith A. Langer Kristen Campbell Wilcox Marc Nachowitz Michael P. Mastroianni Christine Dawson Linda Baker Renee Banzhaf Ae Lee Lee Chin Ee Loh David Manarel Jason Vickers Sharon Wiles ...
Forty evidenced-based strategies for integrating literacy instruction into the content areas Providing unique content on assessment, differentiated instruction, technology, and reflective practice, Developing Content Area Literacy, Second ...
This practitioner-based book provides different approaches for reaching an increasing population in today’s schools - English language learners (ELLs).
For courses in Secondary English Methods. This text offers a comprehensive and up-to-date view of teaching secondary English based on sound research and classroom practice. The third edition reaffirms the...
This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book.
New to this Edition: New demonstration lessons that highlight students showing cognitive strategy use More high school examples and references to high school texts throughout the book A focus on 21st century literacies throughout the book ...