Tort Law Concepts and Applications, 2e provides the most comprehensive coverage of substantive American tort law available. This edition features two chapters devoted to intentional torts, two chapters devoted to negligence, and references to the latest cases and statutes. To help students develop in-demand paralegal skills, there are extensive end-of-chapter exercises, online video cases, and an entire chapter devoted to tort practice and applications.
New York Legal Assistant Handbook
... Phoenix Alexis D. Quiroz , CLA Snell & Wilmer 1430 Valley Bank Center Phoenix , AZ 85073-3100 * Legal Assistants of Metropolitan Phoenix Beverly Kane Myers , Barnes & Jenkins Renaissance Square , Suite 1200 2 North Central Ave.
Learning Resource Identification Project for the Certificate in Paralegal Studies
To proJustice Bradley declared in Boyd vs. United States . tect that right , every unjustifiable intru“ The principles laid down in this sion by the Government upon the privacy opinion [ Entick vs. Carrington ] affect the very of the ...
Know your ethical responsibilities as a representative of the law. Whether you are writing briefs or analyzing statutory materials, this book is a valuable reference.
This guide outlines the education and training necessary to become a paralegal, and discusses the day to day responsibilities of a paralegal.
The owner of the shopping center , one of Clark 452 CHECKING FOR LIENS & Clark's clients , has received an offer to sell Next , Kim reviews the computer printout for the center , which has recently become very valuable .
Downs , Providing the Social Worker with Legal Understanding , U.S. Dept. of Health , Education , and Welfare ... Dye , Legal Assistant Education -- A Guide to Local Paralegal Education Programs , 38 Journal of the Missouri Bar 111 ...
Introduction to Paralegal
Study Guide to Accompany Introduction to Paralegalism: Perspectives, Problems, and Skills