This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book. An introduction to the fundamentals of linguistic phonetics filled with learning tools that focus on practical phonetic transcription skills. Through in-text exercises and accompanying audio recordings, this introductory text makes the learning of phonetics clear, systematic, and easy. Appropriate for both undergraduate and graduate students in the speech and hearing professions, this book focuses on teaching students the practical skills necessary to successfully perform phonetic transcription of individuals with speech sound disorders. Beginning with pertinent information on normal speech production, this introductory text then introduces students to the transcription of consonants and vowels, connected speech, and individuals with speech sound disorders. Students also learn the transcription of regional and ethnic dialectal variations of speech. Throughout the well-organized text, CD icons, learning exercises, objectives, and study questions help students learn and process the text’s material.
"This sixth edition is quite similar to earlier editions in terms of basic layout and organization.
The new edition of Small's "Fundamentals of Phonetics" offers a refreshingly unique and thorough practice-based approach to learning the skills necessary for expert phonetic transcription of individuals with disordered speech.
This book is the kind of spark we need these days—a rich, intense and inspiring collection for and about those who get their hands dirty every single day."—Michael Moore “This book is not ‘fresh-air.’ It is a mighty wind. . .
Harris , J. & Lindsey , G. 1995. The elements of phonological representation . In : Durand & Katamba ( eds . ) 1995 : 34-79 . Harris , J. & Lindsey , G. 1995. Segmental decomposition and the signal . In : Dressler et al . ( eds . ) ...
Lingual coarticulation. Coarticulation: Theory, data and techniques, 4, 80–104. Recasens, D. (2014). Coarticulation and sound change in Romance. New York, NY: John Benjamins Publishing Company. Recasens, D., & Espinosa, A. (2005).
This book will be essential reading for students on undergraduate courses in phonetics and phonology. Štefan Beňuš is Assistant Professor at Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra, Slovakia.
All students of phonetics should study this book!” - Keith Johnson, University of California, Berkeley Articulatory Phonetics presents a concise and non-technical introduction to the physiological processes involved in producing sounds in ...
Specific Language Impairment (SLI) occurs in 6.3% of children, twice as much in males than females.
Accompanying CD contains ... "[all] the sounds described in this book."--Page 4 of cover.
Bonus instructional videos, video quizzes, and other content available online for download on the product page for this book.