Adults of any age and job level need to develop an understanding of the issues and concerns that will face them in the next millennium-from relational life, work life, public life, and techno-life. This book introduces readers to the problems they will face and provides them with the necessary skills they'll need in order to cope with this fast-paced environment. Through in-depth discussions of important topics as gender, diversity, humor in the professional setting, and business etiquette and protocol, this volume moves to new territory that existing books have not yet explored. Topics include: the communication process; the art of listening; the care and feeding of an interpersonal network; groups and teams; diversity; leadership; business presentations, and more. Professionals who want to get ahead in their workplace as they gear up for a whole new century.
The interactive, multimedia nature of this text emphasizes traditional and contemporary topics germane to business and professional contexts.
With the second edition, Teaching Resource Material in the form of a Companion Website is also being provided. This book must be read by students of MBA, practicing managers, executives, corporate trainers and professors.
With an emphasis on building skills for business writing and professional presentations, this text empowers students to successfully handle important work-related activities, including job interviewing, working in team, strategically ...
Business and Professional Communication, Fifth Edition gives readers the tools they need to move from interview candidate to team member to leader.
Important Notice: Media content referenced within the product description or the product text may not be available in the ebook version.
Business Communication for the 21st Century
This edition continues in the same tradition by providing a straightforward approach to learning business English fundamentals.
Goodman, Michael B. “Corporate Communication Practice and Pedagogy at the Dawn of the New Millennium.” Corporate Communications: An ... Strategic Communication in Business and the Professions. 7th ed. Boston: Allyn & Bacon, 2011.
This is a resource to keep for professional and personal development.
... information relevant to the problem; recalls previously learned information that is relevant to the problem. 2 ... Keyboarding and word processing: Skillfully uses word-processing software; streamlines document processing by employing a ...