This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book. Prehospital Emergency Pharmacology, Seventh Edition is a comprehensive guide to the most common medications and fluids used by paramedics and other emergency medical service (EMS) professionals in prehospital emergency care. A cornerstone of EMS education for more than 25 years, it has been extensively revised in this edition to reflect current trends in emergency care, especially the growing requirement for evidence-based practice. A valuable aid to both practicing paramedics and paramedic students, it presents care procedures that represent accepted practices throughout the U.S. and Canada, as well as up-to-date medication dosages according with nationally accepted standards, including those of the AMA, AHA, and PDR.
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By placing each drug in its relevant context, this text teaches you to identify the proper drug for a specific patient in a specific situation.
This updated, popular text gives paramedic students all the information they need to know to properly administer drugs in the field. Unit I addresses general pharmacological principles; Unit II offers...
Overcome your fears and build your confidence while you master the mathematic and pharmacology knowledge you need to pass your licensure exams and prepare for professional practice.
By placing each drug in its relevant context, this text teaches you to identify the proper drug for a specific patient in a specific situation.
The text's table of contents is organized to follow the National EMS Educational Standards.
The book is tailored specifically to the curriculum for EMT training.
Tighten the screw bolt until the regulator is firmly attached to the cylinder. At this point, you should not see any space between the sides of the valve stem and the interior walls of the collar . 4. With the regulator firmly attached, ...
This Pearson Original edition is published specifically for Charles Sturt University.
Important Notice: The digital edition of this book is missing some of the images or content found in the physical edition.