Teaching Social Studies in Middle and Secondary Schools

Teaching Social Studies in Middle and Secondary Schools
Teaching Social Studies in Middle and Secondary Schools
Pearson Higher Ed
Candy M. Beal, Cheryl Mason Bolick


This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book. Designed to assist pre-service and in-service educators to effectively teach social studies while preparing their middle and secondary school students to become reflective, competent, and concerned citizens, this accessible text is a contemporary and comprehensive introduction to teaching social studies that draws on proven theory, sound research, and the wisdom of experienced teachers. This comprehensive introduction to the art, science, and craft of social studies teaching in the middle and secondary grades examines the origins and evolving state of the social studies and citizenship across the United States, provides "hands-on" guidelines for applying social studies theory to actual classroom practice, and explores the ferment, controversies, and challenges that characterize social studies teaching in the middle and secondary grades today. It features an abundance of instructional models, applications, and examples -- all thoroughly grounded in proven theory, research, and practitioner wisdom. Continuing in the tradition of social studies innovator Peter Martorella and taking a constructivist approach, the authors address current issues such as a global perspective, diversity, technology, inclusion, and teacher certification. Organized in three parts, the text first examines the origins and evolution of social studies and citizenship education across the United States. Following this, targeted chapters address the art, science, and craft of social studies teaching as a means for engaging learners in knowledge construction. In the final section, the authors look at ways to improve social studies instruction through the incorporation of emerging technologies, and explore the implications of the rich cultural diversity within our nation.

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