This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book. CONTRACT LAW FOR PARALEGALS, 2/e fully prepares paralegals for all facets of contract preparation, including ethical, practical, and professional issues. Fully updated for current case law, it thoroughly covers modern e-contracts, and presents relevant new examples such as health club and cell phone contracts. It combines a strong foundation in essential principles with practical insight into the issues paralegals face in researching, drafting, and interpreting contracts. Students build skills and portfolios through many drafting exercises, including the creation of complete contracts for equipment, real estate, and business sales. They also build critical thinking skills through assignments ranging from attorney briefings to Critical Legal Thinking Cases. Students will find up-to-date career information, sidebars illuminating working paralegals’ real-world experiences, and extensive reference resources, including a detailed glossary and extensive UCC excerpts.
The Second Edition offers thoroughly updated exercises, websites, government forms and laws, and includes a new chapter on mining law.
Manageable length that makes this book ideal for shorter courses. New end-of-chapter Quick Quizzes that provide a final self-check of students’ knowledge.
The newly revised edition of the best-selling text; Basic Contract Law for Paralegals gives students a firm foundation in the basics of contract law.
Here is broad coverage of all the key topics in tort law that paralegals need to know, written in an engaging style with plenty of examples and illustrations.
Contracts for Paralegals: Legal Principles and Practical Applications
Dakin, 337 Ill. App. 204 (1949); and Anderson v. Collinson, 300 Ill. App. 22 (1939). However, in Tabora, the appellate court concluded that the plaintiff-physician's claim that he had an oral contract for a lifetime of twoyear ...
Cram101 Just the FACTS101 studyguides give all of the outlines, highlights, notes, and quizzes for your textbook with optional online comprehensive practice tests. Only Cram101 is Textbook Specific. Accompanys: 9780132358194 .
Focusing on mastering concepts, the book's goal is to equip paralegals with the basic knowledge required to approach a contracts issue capably, assist the supervising attorney and know when to ask questions.
Instructor's Manual to Basic Contract Law for Paralegals
This hands-on guide gives you plain-English explanations of terminology and language used in contracts, showing you how to read and analyze cases and statutes with ease.