This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book. Fundamentals of Clinical Supervision, 5/e offers a comprehensive, interdisciplinary presentation that makes it the most highly cited publication in the field. Addressing essential topics for supervisors, it has earned a reputation as an authoritative resource for anyone seeking certification as an Approved Clinical Supervisor. Emphasizing central themes from a variety of mental health professions, the book covers supervision models, supervision modalities, administrative issues and professional concerns. This Fifth Edition covers the latest research, more on second-generation models of supervision, a new section on triadic supervision, and the latest on technology. Its one-of-a-kind supervision toolkit, scholarly approach, and topic coverage set the book apart.
Recognizing the overlap of the mental health disciplines and of supervision modalities, the authors have integrated psychology, counseling, marriage and family therapy and social work to fully cover the central themes that dominate the ...
She also clearly explains how to manage paperwork and describes specialized techniques, such as using video in supervision. This informative text also includes a special section on ethics authored by a leading expert in the field.
Counselor Education and Supervision, 19, 60—68. Bernard, I. L., & O'Laughlin, D. L. (1990). Confidentiality: Do training clinics take it seriously? Law 8 Psychology Review, 14(59), 59—69. Bernard, I. M. (1997). The discrimination model.
If level 1 counselors are characterized by bursts of vertical growth, level 2 counselors trace a more jagged ... Fortunately, most counselors either quickly outgrow their adolescence and move on to level 3 or leave the counseling field.
Cram101 Just the FACTS101 studyguides gives all of the outlines, highlights, and quizzes for your textbook with optional online comprehensive practice tests. Only Cram101 is Textbook Specific. Accompanies: 9780872893795.
For those who are new to constructivist thinking, this book offers an innovative possibility for conceptualizing their role as clinical supervisors and alternative interventions to consider during times of impasse.
Now, in the ""Casebook for Clinical Supervision: A Competency-Based Approach"", Falender and Shafranske have enlisted an elite group of contributors to help make the leap from theory and research, to the real-life, hands-on implementation ...
Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. Manzanares, M. G., O'Halloran, T. M., McCartney, T.J., Filer, R. D., Varhely, S.C., & Calhoun, K. (2004). CD-ROM technology for education and support of site supervisors.
Fundamentals of Clinical Supervision, Loose-Leaf Version with Pearson Etext -- Access Card
Supervision and consultation are treated as discrete areas of specialization, and ethics codes and specialty guidelines are analyzed in terms of their applications to this work.