Electrify all your communications… in business and beyond with everyone, everywhere! The top 100 power verbs • express strength, intelligence, and confidence • drive change and motivate action • make you a more powerful, charismatic leader Grab the right verb and use it the right way to: Work any room and become a truly unforgettable networker Write crisp, focused, highly-effective reports, emails, memos, and business plans Present brilliantly, whether you’re a president, professor, preacher, or pundit Deepen and strengthen your relationships with every client, customer, and investor Jam-packed with examples drawing on thousands of years of storytelling, literature, and experience Indispensable for everyone who wants to win!
... tutor; uphold; be a winner Simile: “Being in politics is like being a football coach. You have to be smart enough to understand the game and dumb enough to think it's important.”—Eugene J. McCarthy, American democratic senator from.
Ltd. Pearson Education Asia, Ltd. Pearson Education Canada, Ltd. Pearson Educación de Mexico, S.A. de C.V. Pearson Education—Japan Pearson Education Malaysia, Pte. Ltd. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Faulkner, ...
Electrify all your leadership communications... at every level, in every encounter The right verbs • help you build outstanding teams • achieve stunning performance • exude passion and confidence that make others want to follow Grab ...
In Vex, Hex, Smash, Smooch, Constance Hale, best-selling author of Sin and Syntax, zeroes in on verbs that make bad writing sour and good writing sing.
... that do germinate will not grow as much. GREEN (1) turn or become green GREEN LOG (1) cut trees that are still alive METAMORPHOSE (1) change outward structure or looks (2) change completely the nature or appearance of something or.
Readers can examine example sentences, and assess what they have learned using worksheets. This book explains the correct usage of 100 idiomatic expressions, and includes 10 Bonus Idioms for a more comprehensive guide.
This is the one guide that anyone who writes—whether student, businessperson, or professional writer—should keep on his or her desk.
The right verb choice can show your reader the character's state of mind, mood, as well as physical characteristics.Inside this book, you'll find stronger choices listed in alphabetical order for everyday verbs such as enter, walk, ran, ...
Electrify all your personal interactions, and help all your colleagues and clients reach their full potential!
The simple and graphic aesthetic of this manual is intended to transform the student into a powerful particiapnt in his or her own learning process.