This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book. To be financially literate in today’s market, one must have a solid understanding of derivatives concepts and instruments and the uses of those instruments in corporations. The Third Edition has an accessible mathematical presentation, and more importantly, helps readers gain intuition by linking theories and concepts together with an engaging narrative that emphasizes the core economic principles underlying the pricing and uses of derivatives.
Robert Whaley has more than twenty-five years of experience in the world of finance, and with this book he shares his hard-won knowledge in the field of derivatives with you.
This book is relevant to anyone working within the financial markets, from the new entrant to the seasoned trader looking for updates, and to non-trading personnel working in IT, legal, compliance, risk, credit and operations.
Fundamentals of Derivatives Markets is a succinct yet comprehensive adaptation of the author's successful text, successful text, Derivatives Markets .
The text of the original edition has been updated and expanded and new example transactions are included to help the reader understand the concepts discussed within.
This book gives you a more thorough understanding, and a practical skillset that investment managers need.
In The Social Life of Financial Derivatives Edward LiPuma theorizes the profound social dimensions of derivatives markets and the processes, rituals, and belief systems that drive them.
Explains the legal implications of internationalisation, standardisation and diversification in modern derivatives markets, demonstrating the key role of national courts.
U.S. Regulation of the International Securities and Derivatives Markets, 12th Edition
This book focuses on the processes and systems in the derivatives contract life cycle that underlie and implement the activities of derivatives trading, pricing, and risk management.
This text explains how to manage portfolios using options in financial markets.