This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book. Tort Law for Paralegals, Second Edition offers a unique perspective that frames torts within the context of the litigation process. Covering all major torts, it breaks each one down into its essential elements so readers learn what the plaintiff will have to prove to win the case. With this court room focus, the authors explore negligence, business torts, liabilities and intentional torts. Filled with updated cases and laws, this edition includes a new chapter on torts and relationships. Unique in perspective, it encourages students to move beyond just memorization using critical thinking questions and hypothetical scenarios that encourage application.
Tort Law for Paralegals
Tort Law for Paralegals
Unique in perspective, this book explores tort law within the context of the litigation process.
Here is broad coverage of all the key topics in tort law that paralegals need to know, written in an engaging style with plenty of examples and illustrations.
Contract and Tort Law for Paralegals
Written for the one-term course in Tort Law or Torts and Personal Injury Litigation specifically for paralegals or legal assistants.
Contract and Tort Law for Paralegals
Im: Tort Law for Paralegals
"Textbook on torts/personal injury for paralegal students"--
Pearson: Tort Law for Paralegals