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The fourth edition of Marilyn Friend's Special Education: Contemporary Perspectives for School Professionals gives the most authentic, current, research-based introductory account on the field of special education to date.
Comprehensible and accessible, this new edition places an emphasis on the comprehensive content focus of the previous editions, including an ever-expanding knowledge base in the areas of literacy, cognition and learning, educational policy, ...
Central to, and woven throughout, this text are the six overriding themes-the struggling reader; family/community literacy; new literacies; writing and reading connections; developmental, cultural, and linguistic diversity; and ...
Central to, and woven throughout, this text are the six overriding themes--the struggling reader; family/community literacy; new literacies; writing and reading connections; developmental, cultural, and linguistic diversity; and ...
In a conversational style, this market-leading text shows how to apply effective, realistic, research-based teaching practices in today's heterogeneous classrooms.
NOTE: Used books, rentals, and purchases made outside of Pearson If purchasing or renting from companies other than Pearson, the access codes for the Enhanced Pearson eText may not be...
Instant online access from your computer or download the Pearson eText App to read on or offline on your iPad and Android tablets.** Other features such as note taking and sharing, highlighting, search and more. *To access, your Instructor ...
This edition is updated to include coverage of the fast-paced world of information and underlying constructs that influence today s schools.
This edition is updated to include coverage of the fast-paced world of information and underlying constructs that influence today's schools.
Educational Psychology: Developing Learners