This entry-level text can help any learner successfully master the basic math skills needed in today's health professions. This edition's fresh, open, full-color design includes far more white space for student practice, plus many new learning features. MATH BASICS FOR HEALTHCARE PROFESSIONALS, 4/e begins with a comprehensive pre-test to gauge students’ abilities and remediation needs. Next, it offers practical, health-centered coverage of pre-algebra, the metric system, reading drug labels, medicine cups, syringes, intravenous administration bags, parenteral dosages, basic intravenous administration, and basic dosage by weight units. Each unit provides a 15-question pre-test, followed by concept review, instruction, examples, practice problems, critical thinking questions, and a 15-question post-test. Appendices include answers to odd-numbered practice problems, additional practice, a comprehensive post-test, and new student learning resources. Organized to build skills sequentially, the text uses proven mnemonics to support retention. This edition also adds new coverage of dimensional analysis, plus new Professional Expertise tips throughout.
Self-tests and mnemonic devices team up to build learner confidence and math computation skills.The volume covers health occupations matrix of math skills and self-assessment, whole number review, fractions, decimals, ratio and proportion, ...
This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book.
Math Basics for Healthcare Professionals
In both the workbook and the online course, multiple practice problems for each math concept and principle offer clear explanations to ensure you master the math skills required of all healthcare professionals.
Organized to build skills sequentially, the text uses proven mnemonics to support retention. This edition also adds new coverage of dimensional analysis, plus new Professional Expertise tips throughout.
Math Basics for the Health Care Professional
The use of this workbook to enhance understanding of math concepts also helps the learner become more confident in his or her knowledge and skills. The workbook may be used by anyone wishing to sharpen their math skills.
A path to conquering the math skills essential for nursing success...and reducing the anxieties math often induces!
The text is in easy-to-read format, avoiding formal math proofs in favor of simple syntax and a focus on learning the mechanics of the math involved.
This unique text walks you through essential math topics from Arabic and Roman numerals, addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, fractions, decimals, percentage, ratios and proportions, to conversion factors between household and ...