Based on the authors' market-leading E-Commerce. Business. Technology. Society., this brief book offers the same thought-provoking and current content but in a brief format. E-Commerce Essentials emphasizes the three major driving forces behind E-commerce—technology change, business development, and social issues—to provide a coherent conceptual framework for understanding the field.
This is a brief introduction that covers essential e-commerce concepts and issues, focusing on the technology that makes e-commerce possible, the business models and thinking that drive the formation of e-commerce business and the social ...
This book is an action book, it is written in order toallow readers to set up a successful business online.It capitalizes all experience in e-commerce and offersyou the maximum information to succeed in this area.It is aimed at all people, ...
Introduction to E-commerce discusses the foundations and key aspects of E-commerce while focusing on the latest developments in the E-commerce industry.
This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book.
This book is designed to acquaint the readers with major aspects of e-commerce with particular emphasis on technology such as cryptography, e-payment and mobile payment security.
E Commerce Essentials
Offering both real-world and theoretical perspectives, this book features exceptionally comprehensive yet manageable coverage of a broad spectrum of E-commerce essentials from a global point of view. Extremely user-friendly and...
Presented in nine chapters to suit delivery periods at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels, this book can be used either as a core text that gives tutors a sound platform on which to structure a module on digital marketing or as ...
Essential guidance for preventing fraud in the card-not-present (CNP) space This book focuses on the prevention of fraud for the card-not-present transaction.
Teaching and Learning Experience This program will provide a better teaching and learning experience-for both instructors and students. *Comprehensive Coverage Facilitates Understanding of the E-Commerce Field: In-depth coverage of ...