CME Project (©2009) components for Geometry. Extend learning beyond the textbook with helpful tools for every chapter and lesson of Geometry. CME Geometry Companion Website
CME Project (©2009) components for Algebra 1. Extend learning beyond the textbook with helpful tools for every chapter and lesson of Algebra 1. CME Algebra 1 Companion Website
CME Project ((c)2009) components for Algebra 2. Extend learning beyond the textbook with helpful tools for every chapter and lesson of Algebra 2. CME Algebra 2 Companion Website
CME Project ((c)2009) components for Algebra 1. Extend learning beyond the textbook with helpful tools for every chapter and lesson of Algebra 1. CME Algebra 1 Companion Website
Includes one practice worksheet for each lesson in the student edition
While there is a clear need for developing both intuition and ingenuity on the student's part, the pursuit of these aims by exaggerating the attention paid to synthetic Euclidean geometry was rightly denounced by Dieudonné [4] at ...
Geometry 3rd Edition Practice Workbook 2004c
Practice Workbook
"CME Project is a four-year, NSF-funded, comprehensive high school mathematics program that is problem-based, student-centered, and organized around the familiar themes of Algebra 1, Geometry, Algebra 2, and Precalculus.
Practice Workbook
The book provides an easy way to differentiate instruction: Because the lessons are self-explanatory, students can proceed at their own pace, and the finished constructions can be assessed at a glance. Grades 4-6