Jay Withgott wants students to feel empowered, to feel that their actions can make a difference -- from measuring their own ecological footprint to understanding the impact of society upon the environment. - Back cover.
The unbiased approach of the text equips students with important analytical and quantitative reasoning skills, including how to ask questions to seek information required to develop informed opinions.
The diversity of life, how living things interact with the environment, biomes, energy, water resources, pollution, feeding the world, and protecting biodiversity are all carefully presented in this appealing new text.
By emphasizing the memorable themes of science, sustainability and stewardship, the Eleventh Edition of this popular textbook helps you understand the science behind environmental issues and what you can do to build a more sustainable ...
Help Students Connect Current Environmental Issues to the Science Behind Them Environment: The Science behind the Stories is a best seller for the introductory environmental science course known for its student-friendly narrative style, its ...
The Pearson Custom Library for Environmental Science
Environmental Science
Environmental Science Modified MasteringEnvironmentalScience with Pearson EText Access Card: Toward a Sustainable Future
This is the product access code card for MasteringEnvironmentalScience with Pearson eText and does not include the actual bound book. For introductory courses in Environmental Science, Environmental Studies, and Environmental Biology.
ALERT: Before you purchase, check with your instructor or review your course syllabus to ensure that you select the correct ISBN.
Environmental Science: The Pearson Custom Library for Anatomy & Physiology