&>NOTE: You are purchasing a standalone product; MyCommunicationLab® does not come packaged with this content. If you would like to purchase both the physical text and MyCommunicationLab search for 0134127080 / 9780134127088 Mastering Public Speaking plus MyCommunicationLab for Public Speaking - Access Card Package, 9/e Package consists of: 0133753832 / 9780133753837 Mastering Public Speaking, 9/e 0133907279 / 9780133907278 MyCommunicationLab for Public Speaking Access Card MyCommunicationLab should only be purchased when required by an instructor. For courses in Public Speaking Help Students Achieve Their Full Potential In Public Speech Mastering Public Speaking shows students both the hows and the whys of public speaking using an instructional approach that positions the instructor as a "guide on the side" rather than a "sage on the stage." By challenging students to make the decisions required of public speakers, the text empowers them to take responsibility for their own learning. In its Ninth Edition, Mastering Public Speaking reflects the current twenty-first century realities that have altered our expectations of what a public speech can accomplish, including new media and emerging technologies. At the same time, the authors' basic instructional approach remains focused on the key ingredients of effective speech, including sensitive audience analysis, adequate research, clear organization, and dynamic delivery. Also available with MyCommunicationLab MyCommunicationLab for the Public Speaking course extends learning online, engaging students and improving results. Media resources with assignments bring concepts to life, and offer students opportunities to practice applying what they've learned. And MediaShare offers an easy, mobile way for students and instructors to interact and engage with speeches, visual aids, group projects, and other files. Please note: this version of MyCommunicationLab does not include an eText. Mastering Public Speaking, Ninth Edition is also available via REVEL (tm), an immersive learning experience designed for the way today's students read, think, and learn.
Wolvin and Coakley say that , until recent times , “ ... little if any attention has been focused on the listener . As scholars have come to understand the psychology of processing human communication , they have also recognized the ...
... her mother's meals found that the staff stopped feeding her.4 Lack of privacy is another problem in nursing homes . ... Another alternative that I find worthwhile is the Family Education Suggested solutions avoid some Service .
Pocket Guide to Public Speaking
... site at www.pearsoncustom.com ISBN 0-536-61244-7 BA 992152 Pearson Custom Publishing PEARSON CUSTOM PUBLISHING 75 Arlington Street , Boston , MA 02116 A Pearson Education Company from Other Communication Behavior Structure Formality ...
Public Speaking: A Guide for the Engaged Communicator
"Fully updated for the thirteenth edition, the award-winning Art of Public Speaking offers a time-tested approach that has made it the most widely used college textbook on its subject in the world.
Lewis Carroll's White Rabbit was given some pretty clear advice : " Where shall I begin , please your Majesty ? ” he asked . " Begin at the beginning , ” the King said , gravely , “ and go on till you come to the end : then stop .
Wadsworth's best selling Public Speaking text, the Verderbers' CHALLENGE OF EFFECTIVE SPEAKING, features a skills-oriented, mainstream approach that has effectively led hundreds of thousands of students through the challenges they face as ...
Completely integrated with NEW online tools that actively prepare students to create effective speeches and NEW brief in-text speech elements that address the way today's students learn, the 15th edition of THE CHALLENGE OF EFFECTIVE ...
Challenge Effective Speaking