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The new edition of this best-selling text on arts-based teaching redefines literacy in light of the 21st century need for multiple literacies.
For pre-service and graduate level courses in Arts Integration, Art Methods, Music Education, Drama Education, Dance Education, and Literacy Block Courses. Are you looking to learn a new way to...
Pearson's industry-leading learning solution features a full eBook and access to the popular online learning resource MyEducationLab. Students who purchase this option receive immediate access to the e-book as well as MyEducationLab.
Kilpatrick, M., Hebert, E. & Jacobsen, D. (2002). Physical activity motivation. JOPERD, 73(4), 36–41. Laban, R. (1948/1975). Modern educational dance. London, UK: Macdonald & Evans. Laban, R. (1950/1992). The mastery of movement.
In this delightfully witty, provocative book, literature professor and psychoanalyst Pierre Bayard argues that not having read a book need not be an impediment to having an interesting conversation about it. (In fact, he says, in certain ...
The only book on the market which clearly makes the case to integrate the arts on a daily basis, The Arts as Meaning Makers: Integrating Literature and the Arts Throughout the Curriculum, summarizes the concepts and skills of literature, ...
In the thirteen personal essays in Grammar Lessons, Michele Morano connects the rules of grammar to the stories we tell to help us understand our worlds.
The book and DVD explain how any teacher can successfully use this process to enable all students, particularly low performers, to make dramatic gains in both reading and writing.
Games scholar James Paul Gee (2004) characterizes many forms of participatory culture in terms of “affinity spaces”—affinity, that is, for a common endeavor. He argues that romantic notions of community do not apply to many of these ...
Word riddles: give three clues, moving from general to specific. example: (1) animal, (2) furry and four-legged, ... recommend Marving Terban's □ books, such as Too Hot to Hoot, and Willard espy's A Children's Almanac of Words at Play.