For courses in contract law for paralegals. A hands-on guide to contract development Contract Law for Paralegals introduces future paralegals to all facets of contract preparation, including ethical, practical, and professional issues. Updated for current case law, the text combines a strong foundation in essential principles with actionable insight into researching, creating, and interpreting contracts. Along the way, students practice drafting contracts for equipment, real estate, and business sales, while completing critical thinking assignments involving attorney briefings and legal cases. The 3rd edition includes new and revised contract examples, contract law cases, and exercises that build skills, provide drafting practice, and generate samples for a paralegal portfolio.
Contemporary cases which continue to shape contract law have been included in this new edition, while historically important cases have been retained to ensure students have a full picture of the law of contract as it stands today.
Contract Law: Principles, Cases and Legislation
Contract Law: Principles, Cases and Legislation
R. 655 ; Doe, d. Fisher v. Giles, 5 Bing. R. 421. • Doe, d. Fisher v. Giles, 5 Bing. R. 421 ; Doe, d. Garrod v. Olley, 12 Adolph. &EU.R.481. 6 Keech v. Hall, 1 Doug. R. 22. 7 Thunder, dem. Weaver v. Belcher, 3 East, R. 449. » Keech v.
More accessible but less full are Sir William Evans's remarks on the civilian background in his essay on the action for money had and received which is reprinted in [ 1998 ] Restitution L Rev 1 , 4-5 . 7 Text to n .
Revisão dos contratos: elementos para sua construção dogmática
This latest edition maintains and builds upon the exemplary standards set by its predecessors. The fourth edition includes many new and significant cases.
Cheshire and Fifoot's Law of Contract
Cheshire and Fifoot's Law of Contract