This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book. Auditing Cases: An Interactive Learning Approach is intended for use in undergraduate and graduate Auditing, Professional Research Case, or capstone courses. Step through real auditing cases one by one in this comprehensive text Auditing Cases is a comprehensive case book that focuses on each of the major activities performed during an audit. Most of the auditing cases are based on actual companies, and a number address financial reporting fraud. The unique active learning approach helps students learn to think critically and develop their interpersonal skills, which are increasingly important in the workplace. Teaching and Learning Experience To provide a better teaching and learning experience–for both instructors and students–this program will: Engage Students with an Active Learning Approach: The auditing cases capture students’ interest using lively narrative that introduces emerging accounting-related issues. Easily Integrate Cases into your Course: The Instructor’s Resource Manual offers instructional approaches, activity ideas, and group assignments to merge the cases into an existing course. Help Students See Concepts in Action: Cases are introduced according to the phase of auditing they demonstrate, presenting students with clear examples of the material.
This flexible case book is perfect for educators to prepare future audit professionals with 45 cases focusing on specific and relevant audit issues.
Step through real auditing cases, one by one, in this comprehensive text Auditing Cases: An Interactive Learning Approach is a comprehensive case book that focuses on each of the major activities performed during an audit.
For undergraduate and graduate Auditing, Professional Research Case or capstone courses. Auditing Cases 3/e, through an active learning approach, provides a comprehensive case book focusing on various auditing activities.
The author believes that structuring the book in this way gives the student an appreciation of the need for the auditor to identify the key elements of a client s business, and design an audit that is responsive to them.
This casebook consists of 26 cases excerpted from the SEC Enforcement Division's releases for false and misleading financial statements, each containing valuable lessons to be learned about the possibility of...
Studying audits within the text provides you with the information about the true nature of the work environment and work roles of independent auditors.
Designed as a primary book for advanced auditing courses or a supplement to the second course in auditing. This comprehensive casebook consists of 42 cases of various lengths that introduce...
Many of the returning cases have been updated to include relevant circumstances and events that have occurred since the publication of the previous edition. This edition features 18 new cases.
Knapp's CONTEMPORARY AUDITING: REAL ISSUES AND CASES is the only auditing textbook that relies exclusively on 'real world' auditing cases to demonstrate vividly and with clarity the true nature of the work environment and work roles of ...
This interactive casebook provides professionals with hands-on case activities for current and emerging issues in the audit profession. It offers a varied collection of 28 realistic auditing cases that address...