In The Hidden Universe, Professor Tayler discusses the evidence that there may be much more matter in the universe than is immediately visible. This hidden matter only becomes apparent because of the gravitational influence that it exerts on other bodies in the universe.
This book continues Anthony Peake's work in developing a completely original model of reality based upon an amalgamation of ancient belief systems, subjective human experiences of the extraordinary, and the latest discoveries of neurology, ...
The Hidden Universe
This book shows the fundamental change in worldview brought on by expanding our perceptions to cover the full spectrum of light. Hidden Universe is lavishly illustrated.
Authors Mazure and Le Brun present the inventory of matter, baryonic and exotic, and investigating the nature and fate of matter's twin, anti-matter.
DESPITE SHIKAHR'S SIZE, Vulcana Regar holds the honor of being the planet's largest city as well as its undisputed metropolitan heart and soul. Beginning as a simple spaceport complex in an era when the launching and recovery of ...
It even provides some tips on surviving excursions to Planet Moord and Chitauri Prime, if you like your vacations to be on the extreme side. • SEE THE COSMOS – Features information on the hot spots, history, and culture of more than ...
A sudden storm points to the world’s unpredictability. A marble conjures the birth of the cosmos. How to Love the Universe shows us how everyday objects and events can reveal some of the deepest mysteries in all of science.
This book is a guide to the ninety-nine per cent of cosmic reality we can’t see – the Universe that is hidden, right in front of our eyes. It is also the endpoint of a scientific detective story thousands of years in the telling.
For More than three centuries the universe has been remonstrating that it is not what it appears to be.
Introduces the superstring theory that attempts to unite general relativity and quantum mechanics