I am also grateful to colleagues who contributed to this book , among them Ellen Harrison , Wrenn Cook , Jan Scott , Karen Buchheim , Pat Cohen , Karen Hubbard , Anuradha Murali , April Barber , Kesha Nichols , Nicole Almeida , Kellie ...
History of the Dance in Art and Education
Thank you to Tracey MacGowan, library assistant, The Woman's Collection, Texas Woman's University Library; Rick Watson, research associate, Fehl Dance Collection at the Harry Ransom Center at the University of Texas at Austin; ...
A History of Dance in American Higher Education: Dance and the American University
New to This Edition History of Dance retains its strong foundations from the first edition while adding these new and improved features: • An instructor guide with media literacy assignments, teaching tips, strategies for finding ...
Dance Teaching Methods and Curriculum Design, Second Edition, presents a comprehensive model that prepares students to teach dance in school and community settings.
A Dance History Reader Ann Dils, Ann Cooper Albright ... “It was a model for how I wanted to live my life, so much pleasure I couldn't believe it could still be called dance.” Louis Guillemette, introduced to contact as Davida's student ...
America Learns to Dance: A Historical Study of Dance Education in America Before 1900
This text is intended to provide a concise history of dance for courses, both undergraduate and graduate, in the History of Dance.
This book examines pedagogical, artistic, and professional issues for two performing arts disciplines by using the voices and experiences of each form's practitioners and those who prepare them.