An intellectually and stylistically unified overview of world history, this text draws a global portrait of the human past--showing how each part of the world fits into the overall balance in each successive age.
A History of the Human Community: Prehistory to the Present
Konow, S., 320 n. Koprulu, Mohammed, 612 Korais, ... Laufer, B., 320 n., 323 n. La Vallée Poussin, L., ... Levant, 97, 144, 190, 192, 251, 277, 441,445, 451, 490 m., 491, 508, 509, 518, 546, 616, 653 Levi, S., 348 n. Levy, G. R., 8 n., ...
Seven times between 1403 and 1433 a court official , named Cheng Ho , gathered a great fleet in south China and sailed into the Indian Ocean . He returned successfully , bringing with him the king of Ceylon , the prince of Sumatra ...
History of the Human Community Combined
History of Human Society
Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2007. McEvedy, Colin, and Richard Jones. Atlas of World Population History. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1978. McLean, Paul. Culture in Networks. Cambridge: Polity Press, 2017. McNeill, J. R. Something ...
The book covers a wide range of topics, including the origins of human society, the rise and fall of ancient civilizations, the development of religious and philosophical beliefs, the impact of technological innovations, and the emergence ...
From the real-life Lord of the Flies to the solidarity in the aftermath of the Blitz, the hidden flaws in the Stanford prison experiment to the true story of twin brothers on opposite sides who helped Mandela end apartheid, Bregman shows us ...
DIVTheoretical investigation into the place of historicization in humanistic thought, as well as into the complex, and often tense, relationship between history and theory./div ""History, the Human, and the World Between" will certainly ...