NOTE: You are purchasing a standalone product; MasteringEngineering does not come packaged with this content. If you would like to purchase both the physical text and MasteringEngineering search for0133918920 / 9780133918922 Engineering Mechanics: Statics plus MasteringEngineering with Pearson eText -- Access Card Package, 14/e Packageconsistsof: 0133915425 / 9780133915426 Engineering Mechanics: Statics 0133916375 / 9780133916379 MasteringEngineering with Pearson eText -- Standalone Access Card -- for Engineering Mechanics: Statics & Dynamics MasteringEngineering should only be purchased when required by an instructor. A Proven Approach to Conceptual Understanding and Problem-solving Skills Engineering Mechanics: Statics excels in providing a clear and thorough presentation of the theory and application of engineering mechanics. Engineering Mechanics empowers students to succeed by drawing upon Professor Hibbeler's everyday classroom experience and his knowledge of how students learn. This text is shaped by the comments and suggestions of hundreds of reviewers in the teaching profession, as well as many of the author's students. The Fourteenth Edition includes new Preliminary Problems, which are intended to help students develop conceptual understanding and build problem-solving skills. The text features a large variety of problems from a broad range of engineering disciplines, stressing practical, realistic situations encountered in professional practice, and having varying levels of difficulty. Also Available with MasteringEngineering -- an online homework, tutorial, and assessment program designed to work with this text to engage students and improve results. Interactive, self-paced tutorials provide individualized coaching to help students stay on track. With a wide range of activities available, students can actively learn, understand, and retain even the most difficult concepts. The text and MasteringEngineering work together to guide students through engineering concepts with a multi-step approach to problems.
Engineering Mechanics of Solids
Focusing on the conceptual understanding of mechanics, this exciting new text addresses developments in the methods of analyzing mechanics problems. It fully incorporates the highly sophisticated computational software packages currently...
This volume presents the theory and applications of engineering mechanics.
A Textbook of Engineering Mechanics
This is the more practical approach to engineering mechanics that deals mainly withtwo-dimensional problems, since these comprise the great majority of engineering situationsand are the necessary foundation for good design practice.
The text is written to provide a clear and up-to-date presentation of the theory and application of engineering mechanics; It is aimed at helping engineering students develop an ability to apply well-established principles to analyze and ...
The book contains numerous examples and their solutions. Emphasis is placed upon student participation in solving the problems. The new edition is fully revised and supplemented by additional examples.
"Now fully incorporated with SI units, these books teach students the basic mechanical behaviour of materials at rest (statics) and in motion (dynamics) while developing their mastery of engineering methods of analysing and solving problems ...
Engineering Mechanics
With more than 200 graphs, charts, and tables, this Third Edition includes: Clear explorations of such topics as deformation and stress, stress-strain-temperature relations, plane elasticity, thermal stresses, and end loads Discussions of ...