Note: You are purchasing a standalone product; Mastering Biology does not come packaged with this content. Students, if interested in purchasing this title with Mastering Biology, ask your instructor for the correct package ISBN and Course ID. Instructors, contact your Pearson representative for more information. Biological Science, Third Canadian Edition, brings together Scott Freeman's pioneering active learning approach with carefully selected coverage of Canadian issues and research. Each page of the book is designed in the spirit of active learning, asking students to apply critical thinking skills as they learn key concepts. Accounts of researchers designing and analyzing real experiments, carefully punctuated by thoughtful questions and exercises, train introductory students in the process of DOING biology. If you would like to purchase both the physical text and Mastering Biology, search for: 0134883845 / 9780134883847 Biological Science, Third Canadian Edition Plus MasteringBiology with Pearson eText -- Access Card Package Package consists of: 0133942988 / 9780133942989 Biological Science, Third Canadian Edition 0134694015 / 9780134694016 MasteringBiology with Pearson eText -- Standalone Access Card -- for Biological Science, Third Canadian Edition
Learn Biology by Learning to Think like a Scientist This pioneering text combines research-focused storytelling with the Socratic method to get students to think like practicing scientists.
The text has been completely revised and updated to provide comprehensive coverage of all the major biology syllabuses at Advanced level. It is also suitable for first-year students in higher education.
Preface p. ix Chapter 1 Biology and Its Philosophy p. 2 1.1 The Rise of Logical Positivism p. 2 1.2 The Consequences for Philosophy p. 4 1.3 Problems of Falsifiability p. 6 1.4 Philosophy of Science Without Positivism p. 8 1.5 Speculation ...
This book provides the latest technologies, advanced methods, and untapped research areas involved in diverse fields of biological science research such as bioinformatics, proteomics, microbiology, medicinal chemistry, and marine science.
Biological Science
The information presented in this book also facilitates communication across conventional disciplinary boundaries, in line with the increasingly multidisciplinary nature of modern research projects.
Philosophy of Biological Science
A Sourcebook for the Biological Sciences
This volume examines the idea of levels of organization as a distinct object of investigation, considering its merits as a core organizational principle for the scientific image of the natural world.
Of course, it will always involve a lot of hard work and dedication, but the process of writing is a whole lot easier if you understand the basic ground rules. This book is a guide through the dos and don’ts of writing a PhD.