Environmental Science For Dummies is the most accessible book on the market for anyone who needs to get a handle on the topic, whether you're looking to supplement classroom learning or simply interested in learning more about our ...
Based primarily on data found in Letcher, R .C . & Scheil, M .T . (1986) . ... Environmental Benefits Aluminum Steel Paper Glass Reduction in energy use 90% to 97% 47% to 74% 23% to 74% 4% to 32% Reduction in air pollution 95% 85% 74% ...
By 1996, The number of spills had doubled, resulting in 670,000 dead fish (U.S. Senate Committee on Agriculture, 1997). The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration estimated That animal feedlots contributed To the impairment of ...
The authors reinforce the text's central theme of "interrelationships" by providing a historical perspective, information on economic and political realities, discuss the role of different social experiences, and integrate this with the ...
Simple, rhythmic wording builds to a crescendo ("This is the mess that we made. These are the fish that swim in the mess that we made.") and the vibrant digital artwork captures the disaster that is the Great Pacific Garbage Patch.
Environmental Science and Sustainability helps students discover their role in the environment and the impact of their choices.
This book presents the current aspects of environmental issues in view of chemical processes particularly with respect to two facets: social sciences along with chemistry and natural sciences.
̈ Isaacs, K. K., Glen, W. G., Egeghy, P., Goldsmith, M. -R., Smith, L., Vallero, D., ... Ozkaynak, H. k. (2014). SHEDS-HT: An integrated probabilistic exposure model for prioritizing exposures to chemicals with near-field and dietary ...
With the central theme throughout the text being interrelatedness, the authors identify major issues and give appropriate examples that illustrate the complex interactions that are characteristic of all environmental issues.
Crane 1 2 3 4 5 6 FIGURE 16.16 A municipal mass-burn waste-to-energy incinerator. In this plant, MSW is combusted and the exhaust is filtered. Remaining ash is disposed of in a landfill. The resulting heat energy is used to make steam, ...