Rebuild customer loyalty, strengthen customer relationships, and leverage the immense power of customer co-innovation! Harvey Thompson's Who Stole My Customer? is the world's definitive guide to rebuilding customer loyalty: must-reading in C-Suites and top business schools worldwide. That's no surprise: for decades, Thompson has been the go-to expert for CxOs seeking to optimize their customer growth and retention strategies. Now, in this extensively updated Second Edition, Thompson sharpens his focus on two of the most crucial strategic challenges identified by 1,300+ current CEOs: strengthening customer relationships and promoting innovation. Drawing on his immense enterprise experience, Thompson helps you overcome fundamental corporate culture issues that impede both relationship-building and innovation. Next, he demonstrates how to construct customer-driven business models and management systems that improve retention by systematically involving customers in co-innovation around goals and visions they help define. Who Stole My Customer? Second Edition helps you identify up-to-the-minute answers to the classic "tough questions" surrounding loyalty: Who's stealing my customers? Why is it happening? How can I stop it? How can I win back lost customers? You'll discover new ways to view business processes through customer's eyes... identify today's real drivers of loyalty... tightly focus relationship investments for maximum value... rebuild touch points around customers' current and future needs. Throughout, updated questions help you apply Thompson's techniques in your competitive environment. Thompson's questions have also been updated to serve MBA or Executive MBA level students more effectively as they seek to add more value in future work assignments.
In The Cult of the Customer, Hyken shows how to design a strategy that leads both customers and employees through five distinct cultural phases – from "uncertainty" to "amazement.
Mrs. P. and her students return to school from the holidays only to find more pranks being pulled on her. This time Mrs. P's keys come up missing, and she suspects one of her classroom pranksters.
"Who Stole My Identity" is the first book in the Kid Kredit series.
Expert guidance for parents on growing up their kids Psychologist Carl Pickhardt offers insight from his thirty years of experience counseling caregivers on how to navigate the adolescent development process—from eight to eighteen.
Thanks to Alex Mackintosh, Seth Goolnik, Sally Hewitt, Tom Fulford, Danny Collins, Sam Anstiss, Will Daws, Stuart Cabb and Plum Pictures for great stuff on Hardcore Profits. 2. Spiegelhalter, op.cit., p. 108 – quoting from historian ...
Readers can count down the number of cookies to discover who the cookie thief is.
In superbly crafted writing that burns with intensity, award-winning author Markus Zusak, author of I Am the Messenger, has given us one of the most enduring stories of our time. “The kind of book that can be life-changing.” —The New ...
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A new book from the author of the bestselling Rainbow Fish series!
Since your address in the town hall, we have been thinking about the right approach to handle this,” Vikas replied. “We have sent five of our team members for the three-week training program on data science. I am also taking an online ...