"For a course serving prospective and in-service early childhood program administrators" "This text provides specific guidance on planning for, implementing, marketing, and evaluating programs serving children from birth through school age." Designed to be useful for all early childhood administrators, this text includes a balance of research-based statements, implementation strategies, and resources to prompt further investigation. It aids in the initial planning of early childhood programs and is a source of helpful information after programs are under way. The purpose of this text will be realized when the student makes wiser judgments about planning and administering early childhood programs.
This structured book offers a solid overview of the types of early childhood programs available today, and explores all aspects of their administration. Rooted in the philosophy that thoughtful planning...
Invigorate learning with the Enhanced Pearson eText This access code card provides access to the new Enhanced Pearson eText, a rich, interactive learning environment designed to improve student mastery of content with the following ...
Early Childhood Education: Planning and Administering Programs
Cram101 Just the FACTS101 studyguides gives all of the outlines, highlights, and quizzes for your textbook with optional online comprehensive practice tests. Only Cram101 is Textbook Specific. Accompanies: 9780872893795.
Administering Early Childhood Education Programs
Planning and Administering Early Childhood Programs
gins on the first day and lasts until the first crisis , finds the director impressed with the trappings of power . ... Of particular note in this regard are the Preschool Director's Staff Development Handbook ( Watkins & Durant ...
Administering Programs for Young Children
This sixth edition of Administering for Quality: Leading and Collaborating in Canadian Early Childhood Education Programs is intended to facilitate early childhood educators' understanding of leadership, professional, and advocacy ...
Early childhood pedagogies David, T. (1999) Teaching Young Children. London: Paul Chapman Publishing. Mac Naughton, G. and Williams, G. (1998) Techniques for Teaching Young Children: Choices in Theory and Practice.