More important, these stories manage to strip away the mental defensiveness and conventionality that so often prevent adults from appreciating the way children begin to think about the world.
Renzulli, J., & Smith, L. (1978). The learning styles inventory. Mansfield Center, CT: Creative Learning Press. Risko, V. J., & Bromley, K. (2001). Collaboration for diverse learners: Viewpoints and practices.
Grounded in current research, this classic book focuses on how teachers working with children ages 3 to 6 can find and build on the math inherent in children’s ideas in ways that are playful and intentional.
The Young Child: Development from Prebirth Through Age Eight
This second edition of The Young Child and Mathematics reflects on recent developments in math education through vignettes, activity ideas, and strategies for teaching young children about math processes and concepts.
This book provides the accurate and practical information educators (pre-service and in-service) and caregivers serving children birth through age 8 need to know. This volume takes a practical and cautionary stance.
Rowley, D., & Hogan, V. (2012). Disparities in infant mortality and effective, equitable care: Are infants suffering from benign neglect?, Annual Review ofPublic Health, 33, 75–87. Said, M., O'Brien, K., Nuorti, J., Singleton, R., ...
This volume: Introduces two young child indices aggregating selected indicators to separately track child outcomes and child circumstances.
This book is designed to fill the gaps in primary care physician knowledge and ultimately improve patient care. This book is divided into three major sections.
The text emphasizes the importance of respecting and partnering with families to help children establish healthy lifestyles and achieve their learning potential.