Note: This is the standalone book if you want the book/access card order the ISBN below: 0321752546 / 9780321752543 Essential Environment: The Science behind the Stories Plus MasteringEnvironmentalScience with eText -- Access Card Package ...
Help Students Connect Current Environmental Issues to the Science Behind Them Environment: The Science behind the Stories is a best seller for the introductory environmental science course known for its student-friendly narrative style, its ...
Environment: The Science Behind the Stories, Brief Versionis an introductory textbook that uses case studies and real data to demonstrate the role of science in solving pressing environmental problems.
Essential Environment: The Science behind the Stories, Fourth Edition engages students with integrated central case studies that provide students with a tangible framework for understanding science in a brief 18-chapter book.
Environment: The Science behind the Stories (subscription) 5/e, continues to revolutionize the environmental science course with integrated central case studies and real-life stories that provide you with a tangible and engaging framework ...
This practical manual draws on contributions from leading experts in each field, to present both general and specific environmental methods and techniques within a unique interdisciplinary environmental perspective.
The book and MasteringEnvironmentalScience work together to create a classroom experience that makes teaching and learning more efficient and enjoyable. " "
This document provides guidelines on essential environmental health standards required for health care in medium- and low-resource countries and support the development and implementation of national policies.
The forthcoming companion website for this edition will provide additional resources and learning aids, including PowerPoints, an instructor's manual, test questions, and flashcards.
This package contains the following components: -0321590570: Activities Workbook for Essential Environment: The Science behind the Stories -0136045316: Essential Environment: The Science behind the Stories